What is a Life Coach?

A life coach is a professional partner who helps you navigate challenges and develop personal resources. 

A life coach can help you:

  • define and achieve goals
  • navigate personal challenges
  • strengthen relationships
  • build confidence
  • speed up progress
  • increase awareness and engagement
  • enhance your sense of fulfillment



A life coach is a professional partner who helps you navigate the changes, challenges, and chances of life. Coaching is not advice, therapy, or a belief system. It is the guided, active exploration of your sleeping opportunities and then the focused support necessary for seizing them.

A life coach can help you:

  • define and achieve goals
  • navigate challenges
  • strengthen your relationships
  • build confidence
  • speed up your process and progress
  • increase your overall awareness and engagement
  • enhance your sense of fulfillment

A life coach is a professional partner who helps you navigate the changes, challenges, and chances of life. Coaching is not advice, therapy, or a belief system. It is the guided, active exploration of your sleeping opportunities and then the focused support necessary for seizing them.

A life coach can help you:

  • define and achieve goals
    navigate challenges
  • strengthen your relationships
  • build confidence
  • speed up your process and progress
  • increase your overall awareness and engagement
  • enhance your sense of fulfillment


A coach... for my life?

Almost every professional athlete, performer, and businessperson turns to coaching to help them make the most out of their efforts. So why can’t it be equally valuable in the other areas of life? 

  • A coach is someone you hire to help you get better results than you’ve been getting on your own
  • A coach is a trained professional with proven perspectives, tools and strategies
  • A coach is that objective voice outside your head that sees what you can’t see
  • A coach is someone who can see your true potential and not just your current abilities
  • A coach is a curious advocate focused on you and your goals

OK... So...???

We all want to live a “great life” (whatever that means to each of us) but sorting out all of our unique challenges on our own can seem almost impossible. On top of that, the world is a complicated and demanding place. It’s hard to find a moment to step out of the rat race to get a clear picture of where we are and where we’re going. The point of coaching is to supply you with the dedicated time, environment, and proven tools to finally address your most stubborn challenges. Working together with a trained coach is much more efficient, effective, and enjoyable than working on your own. 

This is a real thing?

Yes! In fact, it’s becoming quite common and popular. Why? Because it’s filling the void between “talking with your friends” and seeking therapy. …and it provides results! Companies hire coaches for their staff, entrepreneurs hire coaches to help them get their businesses off the ground, couples hire coaches to help improve their relationships, individuals hire coaches to help them reach their personal goals. Hiring a coach does not need to mean that you have problems, it means that you’re serious about improving your experience in life and are ready to to take proactive steps to do so.

How does this coaching thing . . . happen?

The coaching relationship is built around guided, authentic conversations. There are also assessments you take, proven systems and strategies we explore, and of course, lots of practice. We do this over the phone for about an hour each week. Sounds simple? It is! …but powerful.

What do we talk about?

We start with whatever you’re currently dealing with in life. It’s a great window into the deeper you. Once we see what’s happening in there, we start figuring out how to make it happen better. We unpack your patterns, rules, beliefs, and perspectives, and then begin to reconnect the dots with greater awareness and purpose. Fun stuff! We can go as deep as you like. I’m a philosophical-but-pragmatic person who loves to get right to the heart of what’s going on. I love the process and I love when people really want to dig in. 

So it's like therapy?

Not really. While there are some similarities, therapy is usually focused on moving people from dysfunctional to functional. Coaching starts from functional and moves you to optimal. I think of coaching as helping people make the most out of everyday life. I am not qualified to work with people struggling with serious mental health issues or suicidal tendencies. If you’re dealing with phobias, abuse, or severe trauma, a coach is not the most effective way forward. 

My friends already give me advice.

Coaching is not advice. I do not tell you what you should do! I help you discover what YOU want to do and then help you build the clarity, confidence and perspectives to actually DO it. Friends, while supportive and informed, don’t quite offer what a coach does. Since they often want to protect the harmony in the relationship, they may not be as forthcoming, focused, or direct as a coach may be. They also do not have the skills and tools of a well trained coach. And they often offer their help in the form of advice – sometimes not what you’re looking for. 

Does it really work?

It all depends on you. (No, that is not a cop out.) It requires work, patience, persistence, openness, and the ability to think bigger – and that you simply show up when you’re supposed to. Given those attributes, then yes, it works. In fact, I can honestly say without hesitation that it is the most elegant, efficient, and effective catalyst for personal growth and life enhancement that I have ever seen. I am not the type of person who likes to endorse things publicly. I fully endorse this process when it’s done right.

You're trained to do this?

Yes. I am a Certified Professional Coach. Besides a lifetime of obsessing over these subjects, direct coaching experience, and being the type of guy who reads psychology and philosophy textbooks for fun, I am also certified by one of the most highly regarded and accredited programs on Planet Earth. 

Is this just positive thinking or some new spiritual fad?

Neither. I’m guessing that you will think more positively after coaching, but it’s not about covering up a slice of shit-cake with some chocolate icing. Nor is coaching about handing you a new belief system. The entire path is designed by you. I may offer you structure, challenge your assumptions and interpretations, or ask you to try on new perspectives, but you always choose the shape of your story. I act more as a mirror, reflecting what you’re showing me, and then helping you to decipher it all. Coaching is serious internal work, even when we’re laughing and having fun. 

Is this just for new agers and corporate hipsters?

It’s for anybody. I’ve seen it dramatically serve people from all walks of life. Find a coach that you can relate with and you’ll be a happy camper. Don’t let an abundance of people who you don’t relate with convince you that they represent the field as a whole. If you want to include spirituality in your sessions, there’s a coach for that. If you want to be coached like a calculus equation, there’s a coach for that too. Health and wellness, healing, productivity, you name it, there’s a coach for that. 

Who are YOU to teach ME?

Here’s a secret: I’m not here to teach you about your life. You’ll always know more about that than I will. I don’t have to be smarter, wiser, more educated, or more successful than you to be a great coach. I’m here to facilitate the process of coaching. The power is in the process more than any one individual. 

Who actually hires YOU?

All sorts of people! Whoever seems interested in my personality and coaching approach. What’s important is that we communicate well together and that you feel I am someone you can trust in this process. I also have to feel that you are someone whom I can communicate well with and serve effectively. You can be trying to pick yourself up after a big fall or the successful leader of a company. You can be single, married, divorced, or disinterested. It’s all the same to me. In the end we’re just people. Some feel instantly familiar, others feel endlessly foreign. People hire me when they feel I’m right for them. 

Who do you like to work with?

I love working with people on finding and nurturing quality relationships, building confidence, and aligning their lives with their values. I subscribe to the idea of designing a better life through more-conscious decision-making. I prefer a warm and casual, but serous approach to our work. My style is direct but disarming, and focuses on the area where your physical, emotional, and philosophical worlds intertwine. 

Who DON'T you work with?

I typically do not coach anyone under 21 years of age, anyone with untreated serious depression, or while they are under the influence. Other than that, if our intentions and values generally align, it’s all good!

How do I know if I'd like it?

Like a new car, you take it for a test drive. I offer a free exploratory session for anyone who is considering coaching. There is no pressure to buy my services. I have no urge to sell you something that you’re not excited about. You have to want this for yourself. If you don’t, it’s not good for either of us to force it. If you’re on the fence about coaching, or just plain curious, do not hesitate to call and explore with me a bit.  I love doing these calls and am genuine in how I show up. As long as you do the same, we’re good! 

How do we get started?

Click below to set up your free intro session!

A coach... for my life?

Anyone who is a professional competitor in the world usually has a coach. So why can’t it be equally valuable in the other areas of life?

  • A coach is someone you hire to help you get better results than you’ve been getting on your own
  • A coach is a trained professional with proven perspectives, tools and strategies
  • A coach is that objective voice outside your head that sees what you can’t see
  • A coach is someone who can see your true potential and not just your current abilities
  • A coach is a curious advocate focused on you and your goals

OK... So...???

We all want to live a “great life” (whatever that means to each of us) but sorting out all of our unique challenges on our own can seem almost impossible. On top of that, the world is a complicated and demanding place. It’s hard to find a moment to step out of the rat race to get a clear picture of where we are and where we’re going. The point of coaching is to supply you with the dedicated time, environment, and proven tools to finally address your most stubborn challenges. Working together with a trained coach is much more efficient, effective, and enjoyable than working on your own. 

This is a real thing?

Yes! In fact, it’s becoming quite common and popular. Why? Because it’s filling a void and providing tangible results! Companies hire coaches for their staff, entrepreneurs hire coaches to help them get their businesses off the ground, couples hire coaches to help improve their relationships, individuals hire coaches to help them reach their personal goals, reset their perspectives, all kinds of things. Hiring a coach does not need to mean that you have problems, it means that you’re serious about improving your experience in life and are ready to to take proactive steps to do so.

How does this happen?

We talk. The coaching relationship is built around guided, authentic conversations. I ask you a bunch of questions you’ve probably never asked yourself and then provide a space where you can talk freely, frankly, and confidentially, free from judgement and outside agendas. We do this over the phone for about an hour each week. Sounds simple? It is! …but powerful.

What do we talk about?

We start with whatever you’re currently dealing with in life. It’s a great window into the deeper you. Once we see what’s happening in there, we start figuring out how to make it happen better. We unpack your patterns, rules, beliefs, and perspectives, and then begin to reconnect the dots with greater awareness and purpose. Fun stuff! We can go as deep as you like. I’m a philosophical-but-pragmatic person who loves to get right to the heart of what’s going on. I love the process and I love when people really want to dig in. 

So it's like therapy?

Not really. Therapy is more about healing disorders where coaching is more focused on navigating the timeless “stuff of life.” Therapy is usually focused on moving people from dysfunctional to functional. Coaching starts from functional and moves you to optimal. Therapy often looks to the past. Coaching starts from where you are now and pushes forward with what you have. I am not qualified to work with people struggling with serious mental health issues or suicidal tendencies. If you’re dealing with phobias, abuse, or severe trauma, a coach is not the most effective way forward. 

I already get advice.

Coaching is not advice. I do not tell you what you should do! I help you discover what YOU want to do and then help you build the clarity, confidence and perspectives to actually DO it. Friends, while supportive and informed, don’t quite offer what a coach does. Since they often want to protect the harmony in the relationship, they may not be as forthcoming, focused, or direct as a coach may be. They also do not have the skills and tools of a well trained coach. And they often offer their help in the form of advice – sometimes not what you’re looking for. 

Does it really work?

It all depends on you. (No, that is not a cop out.) It requires work, patience, persistence, openness, and the ability to think bigger – and that you simply show up when you’re supposed to. Given those attributes, then yes, it works. In fact, I can honestly say without hesitation that it is the most elegant, efficient, and effective catalyst for personal growth and life enhancement that I have ever seen. I am not the type of person who likes to endorse things publicly. I fully endorse this process when it’s done right.

You're trained to do this?

Yes. I am a Certified Professional Coach. Besides a lifetime of obsessing over these subjects, direct coaching experience, and being the type of guy who reads psychology and philosophy textbooks for fun, I am also certified by one of the most highly regarded and accredited programs on Planet Earth. 

Is this just some new fad?

I’m guessing that you will think more positively after coaching, but it’s not about covering up a slice of shit-cake with some chocolate icing. Nor is coaching about handing you a new belief system. The entire path is designed by you. I may offer you structure, challenge your assumptions and interpretations, or ask you to try on new perspectives, but you always choose the shape of your story. I act more as a mirror, reflecting what you’re showing me, and then helping you to decipher it all. Coaching is serious internal work, even when we’re laughing and having fun. 

Is this just for hipsters?

It’s for anybody. I’ve seen it dramatically serve people from all walks of life. Find a coach that you can relate with and you’ll be a happy camper. Don’t let an abundance of people who you don’t relate with convince you that they represent the field as a whole. If you want to include your spirituality in your sessions, there’s a coach for that. If you want to be coached like a calculus equation, there’s a coach for that too. 

Who are YOU to teach ME?

Here’s a secret: I’m not here to teach you about your life. You’ll always know more about that than I will. I don’t have to be smarter, wiser, more educated, or more successful than you to be a great coach. I’m here to hold a space for you and facilitate your personal exploration. I’m here to be an outside, objective voice. I’m here to help you plan and hold you accountable for sticking to that plan. 

Who actually hires YOU?

All sorts of people! Whoever seems interested in my personality and coaching approach. What’s important is that we communicate well together and that you feel I am someone you can trust in this process. I also have to feel that you are someone whom I can communicate well with and serve effectively. You can be trying to pick yourself up after a big fall or the successful leader of a company. You can be single, married, divorced, or disinterested. It’s all the same to me. In the end we’re just people. Some feel instantly familiar, others feel endlessly foreign. People hire me when they feel I’m right for them. 

Who do you like to work with?

I love working with men and women on finding and nurturing quality relationships, building confidence, and aligning their lives with their ideals. My clients tend to be between the ages of 25-45. I’m self employed with a creative background and have a young family, all things which I love dearly. I often help people who’d also share these interests themselves. I subscribe to the idea of designing a better life through more-conscious decision-making. I prefer a warm and casual, but serous approach to our work. My style is direct but disarming, and focuses on the area where your emotional world and philosophical world intertwine. 

Who DON'T you work with?

I often coach individuals on relationships and love doing so, but I usually do not coach couples together. I typically do not coach anyone under 21 years of age. I do not coach anyone with untreated moderate to serious depression. I do not coach people while they are under the influence.

How do I know if I'd like it?

Like a new car, you take it for a test drive. I offer a free 30-minute exploratory session for anyone who is considering coaching. There is no pressure to buy my services. I have no urge to sell you something that you’re not excited about. You have to want this for yourself. If you don’t, it’s not good for either of us to force it. If you’re on the fence about coaching, or just plain curious, do not hesitate to call and explore with me a bit.  I love doing these calls and am genuine in how I show up. As long as you do the same, we’re good! 

How do we get started?

Click below to set up your free intro session!

Set up your free intro session!

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